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Insurance Agency Helps Customers Find Medicare Advantage Plans in Skippack, Collegeville, Royersford, Limerick, & Phoenixville

Customers who buy their Medicare Advantage plans through an independent insurance agency have a wider choice of insurance plans than those using a single-carrier agency. People in the southeastern Pennsylvania towns of Phoenixville, Skippack, Royersford, Collegeville, and Limerick rely on Patrick J. Kelly Insurance Group to help them find fitting Medicare Advantage plans.

Based in nearby Trappe, Kelly Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency with over three decades of experience and a reputation for exceptional customer service. Kelly Insurance leverages its relationships with several major insurance carriers to offer customers the most suitable and affordable Medicare Advantage coverage available. Originally called “Medicare+Choice,” Medicare Advantage provides coverage for policyholders under Medicare Part C.

Medicare Advantage Plans in Skippack, Phoenixville and Collegeville Private insurers are licensed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid to offer Medicare Advantage plans to Medicare subscribers.  The Kelly Insurance team can offer plans that include additional benefits beyond Medicare’s standard coverage, such as dental or vision care.

Kelly Insurance’s agents also know the limitations of Medicare Advantage plans. For example, some plans are structured as health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that require referrals from a primary care physician and will not cover out-of-network medical care. Other Medicare Advantage plans only cover certain geographic areas, which may not work well for seniors who travel frequently or go South for the winter. Kelly Insurance’s staff is familiar with these rules and restrictions, so they can help customers find the Medicare Advantage plan that they require.

Selecting a Medicare Advantage plan can be even more complicated than choosing regular health insurance. In addition to striking a balance between affordable insurance costs and comprehensive coverage, customers choosing a Medicare Advantage plan need to know how their coverage will work in conjunction with Medicare Parts A, B, and D.

Well-versed in both the Medicare system and private insurance options, Kelly Insurance agents have a solid understanding of how the two types of insurance work together. That’s why customers in Limerick, Skippack, Phoenixville, Royersford, and Collegeville turn to Kelly Insurance Agency to find the most appropriate Medicare Advantage plans to meet their individual needs.