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From Kelly Insurance: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Driving Habits

Even if you’re a good driver, you might be costing yourself extra money every time you get behind the wheel in Phoenixville, Limerick, Collegeville, Skippack, Royersford, Trappe, or nearby PA towns. How? By doing things that can increase wear and tear on your car — even things that seem perfectly normal.

Brown Car on Street with Sunset with Car Insurance in Phoenixville, Limerick, Collegeville, Skippack, RoyersfordYou may not even realize you’re doing them (most habits are unconscious behaviors), but these driving behaviors may be at least partially to blame for your frequent repair shop visits. So, help keep your car in better shape by asking yourself a few questions about your driving:

  1. Is my gas light always on? Regularly driving on a nearly empty tank can increase wear on your car’s fuel pump. It’s best to keep your fuel level at a quarter-tank or above.
  2. Do I shift too quickly? Shifting your car into drive while you’re still rolling backward is one sure way to increase stress on your car’s transmission. Always stop before shifting.
  3. Am I always on the brakes? Maybe you aren’t leaving enough following distance between you and other cars. And, when you’re going down a steep grade, consider shifting into a lower gear. That can help you slow down more naturally, without putting unnecessary wear on your brakes.
  4. Is my car usually packed with stuff? Additional weight means additional stress on many different parts of your car, including your transmission, your brakes and your suspension. So, unless you really need it, don’t pack it.
  5. Do I have a lead foot? Putting your foot to the floor might be exhilarating for you, but it’s not so great for your car — especially if it’s still cold and oil hasn’t reached all the different parts of the engine yet. It can wear out your tires more quickly, as well.

If these behaviors fit your driving patterns, it’s time to form new habits that won’t take a toll on both your car and your bank account over time. And that’s something both you and your vehicle can be happy about!

Released with permission from the original author, Safeco Insurance®.

About Kelly Insurance Group

Since 1984, Kelly Insurance Group has been helping residents of Pennsylvania find the right insurance for their needs. This family-owned agency understands that providing quality risk management solutions for their clients is an important job, and they are honored to do it.  Kelly can be reached online at or by calling 610-489-9442.