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Back to School Car Insurance Tips from Kelly Insurance Agency in Collegeville, Limerick, Phoenixville, Royersford, Skippack and Trappe, PA

With all the preparations for a new college student, car insurance may have fallen through the cracks. Kelly Insurance Agency looks to help clients in Collegeville, Limerick, Phoenixville, Royersford, Skippack and Trappe with the transition of a college driver on their car insurance. Whether or not a college-bound student is taking a car to college can make a difference in both coverage and premiums.

If a student does not take a car to school, parents may opt for a distant-school discount. This is generally only available if the student is attending a school 100 miles or more away from home. The student will still be able to drive while on school breaks including summer, Christmas and spring break and should remain a listed driver on the auto policy.

Car Insurance in Collegeville, Limerick, Phoenixville, Skippack, TrappeWhen a student takes a car with them, things can get a little tricky. If the student is attending a school out of state, the college’s location and state will need to be written into the policy and may impact premium costs. Coverage requirements and/or recommendations may vary from state to state and should be reviewed by an insurance agent – the agents at Kelly Insurance would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Unfortunately, break-ins and damage may increase while at college. Parking garages, street parking or isolated student parking lots could put a car at higher risk of theft, break-in or damage. Comprehensive and/or collision coverage may need to be added or deductibles adjusted.

Kelly Insurance Agency recommends that parents have an honest talk with their college-bound students regarding responsibility of having a car at college. Some conversation points include:

  • Loaning the car to friends could result in raising premium costs. Car insurance follows the car so a friend getting into an accident makes the car’s insurance go up, not the student’s.
  • Good news! Good grades may result in good grade discounts.
  • Do your best to park in well-lit and or protected lots.
  • Always lock your car and keep your keys in a safe place when your vehicle is not being used.